Pumpkin preserve

The garden is full of yellow pumpkins and soon it will be as well of red ones. Preserving its a useful way to not waste vegetables or fruit and enjoy them during winter time...
Ingredients: 1kg pumpkin flesh, 1 pinch ground cinnamon, half tsp chopped ginger, 1 pinch powdered cloves, 1 pinch grated nutmeg, 6 tbsp lemon juice, 1kg jam sugar

Sprinkle in the jam sugar and bring everything to the boil, stirring continuously. Boil for 5 minutes or until it has reached the consistency you like.
Fill the sterilized jars and seal straighaway turning the jars upside down until completely cold.
Store in a dark and cool place and put in the fridge after opening.
Note: this preserve goes well with game dishes.
Note: this preserve goes well with game dishes.
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