
We call them "Chiacchiere", literally translate it into "Chats". In Italy we made them for the Carnival feast, which is celebrated all over Italy before Easter.
Ingredients: 250gr white flour, 50gr butter, 4 Tbsp white dry wine, 1 egg, 1 tsp salt, 1gr vanilla powder, 1 pinch salt, frying oil, icing sugar to decorateSift the flour on your working surface, work it with the egg, butter, vanilla and sugar.
Pour the wine slowly and add more if necessary until you get a soft and round ball.
Divide the dough into 4 and work it with your pasta machine to obtain rectangular sheets. Work it until smooth using the number 5 thikness.
Cut them into rectangular stripes with a wheel cutter such as one you see on the left.
Fry them in hot oil, about 10 seconds each side, or until golden and lay them on a plate covered with absorbent paper. Let them cool completely and serve sprinkled with icing sugar. Only put the icing sugar when it's time to serve them.
I can't help not commenting on your website :p
The presentation is soOOo beautiful. Seriously!
And I love your blog's Italian version even though I can't understand it :)
1:08 AM
Hi Ceendy, that is so sweet of you! Thank you for stopping by :)
1:08 AM
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