Hazelnut and white chocolate cake

This is a very simple but effective cake. It can be made with white chocolate or if you want a richer taste, with dark chocolate. The chocolate metls in the middle of the cake, so when you cut it, it's like a surprise. A sweet one! I dedicate this cake to my friend Frank, who celebrates his birthday today! Happy birthday Frank!
Ingredients: 200gr flour, 175gr sugar, 175gr butter, 1 Tbsp baking powder, 1 egg, 200ml milk, 100gr white chocolate, 2 tsp cinnamon, 50gr hazelnuts
Beat all ingredients together except chocolate and hazelnuts. You can use an electric beater or a manual wisk. Beat well until no lumps are formed. Pour half of the mixture into a greased cake tin. Break the white chocolate into pieces and put them on top of the mixture. Pour the other half of it and spread well with a spatula. Sprinkle with roughly chopped nuts. Bake for 1 hour or until well cooked inside and brown on the outside in a preheated oven at 180 C (Gas 4, 350 F). If the top starts to get too dark cover it with foil and continue baking. You can also use a thootpick to make sure it's cooked inside before removing it from the oven. Once is ready, switch the oven off and let it cool inside the oven with it's door open.
Nemmeno il raffreddore ti ferma :)
Grazie di cuore, amica mia :)) hai reso questo compleanno davvero speciale e non solo per la torta!
Per fare onore al bellisimo regalo, la farò al più presto, te lo prometto, e penserò a te fino al termine dell'ultima fetta!
Grazie ancora.
p.s. non me cavo male con l'inglese, vero?
2:56 AM
Ehm...è permesso?!
E' la prima volta che metto piede in questa casina ;-)
And Happy Birthday dear Frank!
La torta è bellissima, ma il servizio da tè sullo sfondo mi ha totalmente rapita ;-)
(devo mica preparare la valigia per il trasloco? Torni di là vero?! ;-P)
2:56 AM
Oh, your pictures are simply gorgeous! They make me want to bake, like *now*, in the middle of the night =) I can feel the crust already...
2:56 AM
Stavo quasi per disperarmi quando questa mattina ho aperto il tuo sito in italiano e non c'è questa meraviglia di torta! proprio mentre facevo colazione, ho fatto mente locale e mi sono resa conto di avere tutti gli ingredienti (anche la cannella, tempestivamente e ingenuamente, donatami da Acilia)..non so con quale cioccolato farla, quello fondente c'è in dispensa di sicuro, ma credo anche quello bianco...con la scusa di non mandare gab al supermercato per un ingrediente che non ho comprato...non mi lascio mancare mai niente!
2:57 AM
Grazie 1000, Acilia.
2:57 AM
Frank, your english is perfect :) lol
Acilia, sicuro che torno!
zora, dark chocolate its good as well, probably even better and rich than white! :)
Antti! thanks a lot, very kind of you :)
2:57 AM
I totally agree that your pictures are gorgeous. I have a crappy contraption that my landlord is trying to convince me is an oven but I am tempted to bake this torte now!
2:57 AM
How in the world did I miss this post??? I'm so glad I took a look today otherwise I wouldn't have seen it.
As always ... FABULOUS!
2:58 AM
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