Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena - Taste the difference

A while ago I had a post about the Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena thanks to Omar which sent to me a little home made sample, made by him and his family in Modena.
Some of you have wished to have the same opportunity of tasting such a unique product. Omar is now giving you the chance! He has prepared 5 little 50 ml bottles of ABTM, such as the one you see in the picture above.
This specific ABTM has been tasted and appreciated by a local expert, who is in charge of tasting all the ABTM samples of the "San Giovanni Palio" and is becoming a "certified taster" of the ABTM consortium which requires a few years of classes kept by the consortium.
Omar is now proposing a "tasting the difference", giving you the chance to buy a 50 ml bottle for just 20 Euro. This is a very "friendly" price which also includes shipping fees (within Europe), well below the market price. You can pay online by using Paypal. The ABTM will be shipped by Omar once the payment is received.
The first five persons who book through the link in the comments window will receive in the same window Omar's address so you will contact him directly to agree about payment and delivery details.
If you want to know more about ABTM you can read the previous post. If you are still not sure I can tell you that this, is completely different form the commercial balsamic vinegar you buy. It is a unique product that is difficult to describe, you have to try it!
The same opportunity is given in my Italian blog. If some sample will not be sold there will be moved here and viceversa. Happy ABTM!
(photo ABTM by Omar)
Si Si Si, yes we are interested, put Terry and I down for 1 please, Fiore.
2:58 AM
deal! :))
you'll tell Omar at which address to send it ;)
2:58 AM
Uhmm!... a few questions. With all due respect for the moral integrity of Omar & Co, it appears to me that we are confronted with a misuse of the law or of the by-laws, as in this case. One does not need a dirty mind
to ascribe the lines below to a wish by Omar to lean on to the ABTM- prestige but avoiding its control function. Please read :"
This specific ABTM has been tasted and appreciated by a local expert, who is in charge of tasting all the ABTM samples of the "San Giovanni Palio" and is becoming a "certified taster" of the ABTM consortium which requires a few years of classes kept by the consortium".
Now: either the balsamico is ABTM or it is private production.
End of line.
2:58 AM
Dear Carlo,I think the post is clear.
Omar is selling 5 little samples of his own home made ABTM. Nowhere in the post is written that is a certified ABTM.
This is just because some people in this blog have wished to have some to taste and this is done on a friendship base and it is not a commercial activity.
There is not a Omar & Co but just our friend Omar.
Some people do have dirty minds.
2:59 AM
Dear Carlo, I'm Omar not Omar&Co or any kind of firm. This isn't a commercial operation, me and my family producing with 12 barrels some ABTM for our strictly use. We aren't a firm associated at ABTM consorzio, nowhere in this post or in any other of my comment is written that is a certified ABTM. My and my family stricly follow the product specification of the ABTM consorteria, fiordizucca (thanks) ask me for some of this because some people have wished to have some taste no more.. Are you interested? Yes? Well so come on. No? Doesn't matter.
2:59 AM
Dear friends
Please read your post again : " This specific ABTM has been tasted and appreciated by a local expert, who is in charge of tasting all the ABTM samples of the "San Giovanni Palio" and is becoming a "certified taster" of the ABTM consortium which requires a few years of classes kept by the consortium".
As far as I know the term Tradizionale ( as in ABTM) indicates
only and exclusively the balsamico that has passed the official
test held by the Consorzio.
My point is that the involvment as an indirect warrantor of a local well qualified expert tries to tinge of a
TRADIZIONALE-hue a balsamico whiche cannot be qualified
as tradizionale.
I am not accusing anyone of any wrongdoing and I apologize for the "& Co" which was only meant as way of saying, i.e. Omar and the people who are helping him, his family and so on. Moreover I am well aware that the price asked by Omar is non-commercial.
Why all the fuss then ?
Again: is the improper use of the Tradizionalein your post. In other words Omar is saying: my balsamico is just as good as any Tradizionale, infact it is "a specific ABTM" and as such it has received the praise and the approval - of a local knowledgeable person who is used to sit in the jury official ABTM tastings.
Personally I would have preferred a statement along these lines: "My name is Omar . I produce a good balsamico for
our use and we think its is so good that we woul like to share
it with Fiordizucca and her friends". Full stop.
Now, you might think that I am overreacting. Well if you knew how many operators sell homemade balsamico "which is just as good as the Consorzio-approved Tradizionale" perhaps
you woul overreact too.
I am afraid that in these matters one needs to be a bit of a fundamentalist. The term Tradizionale is
protected by the law and there is not much choice or leaning on - no matter how honest you are or how good your balsamico is. Either in or out.
2:59 AM
si si si I am interested :-) the paypal option is a smart one!!! where do I go??? Mail me!
2:59 AM
thanks to people like you it will be soon the day when my grand mother will have to prepare "little ear shaped pasta" because she hasn't been certified to make "orecchiette".
Is there anything more traditional than a family from Modena making his own ABTM since they can remember?
The term "tradizionale" is protected for any commercial use but here there isn't any commercial proposal or activity.
The post is clear. This is Omar home made production, and is out for sale in a very tiny quantity just because a lot of people is asking for samples.
Actually, I'd like to thank Omar for sharing with us his personal stock that he usually keeps for family consumption and friends.
The difference Carlo is that some people is passionate about food, some others are passionate just about the money they make from it.
1:14 AM
Dear Gus Gus,
I will be glad to take up this matter again, the day when some
Chinese producers will sell you orecchiette, pesto and Balsamico tradizionale made in Shanghai. That day perhaps someone will regret not to have protected both the name and the originality of our products with internationally recognised standards.
I am completely aware of the love & passion of people like Omar and your grand mother . The point I made is quite another one: Omars aceto is surely made in a traditional and
time-honoured way but it is not Tradizionale. It might even taste better than many other Tradizionale but it is not certified by the only authority that can grant the Tradizionale denomination. Therefore it is not appropriate of Omar to
mention reference to "this specific ABTM" nor to quote
the (unofficial) support by an (unofficial) soon-to-be balsamico expert.
Today you can produce aceto balsamico anywhere in the EU,
aceto balsamico di Modena anywhere in Italy but Tradizionale
only if someone ( the Consorzio = the Law) has granted you
that privilege. It means that you must submit your product to evaluation by "the Law". If you do not wish to do so, fine: you are not a worse person for that, nor is your balsamico bad.
It just is not Tradizionale.
My post might be accused of overkill but either we use the law ( the Law) and feel protected by it or we let caos have the upper hand.
And so to bed.
1:14 AM
you write: "..some Chinese producers will sell ... Balsamico tradizionale made in Shanghai."
That's the point, Omar is from Modena and not from China, is making Balsamic in the most traditional way in Modena and not in Shangai and is not "selling" his balsamic meaning that he is not trying to make a profit on it.
"The Law" is designed to protect local traditional production from industrial exploitation and not to downgrade home made production (which are the base of traditions) to a second division category.
I have found your writing about "dirty minds", "moral integrity" and "misuse of law" very upsetting considering the spirit of this initiative which, once again, didn't have any commercial intent.
I think we should thank Omar and Fiordizucca first for giving all those information about ABTM and then for offering a taste of it.
And now, back to work.
1:14 AM
Dear Gus Gus!
My point is not upsetting you nor other readers of this post.
If anyone feels offended , I apologize.
My point is..pointing out that the definition Tradizionale used
by Omar and Fiordizucca is not appropriate, being Tradizionale only the balsamico that has passed the examinations of the Consorzio.
Omar's balsamico is surely an excellent aceto balsamico
made by the traditional system in Modena. It might even
be symbolically priced: it is just NOT tradizionale. So any reference to ABTM is wrong.
Any other considerations valid as they might be are not relevant to the matter.
1:15 AM
Uh oh, all this legalese is a bit daunting for the poor layperson. Fiordizucca, did you already hand out all Omar's vials? If not, I'd love to give it a try.
1:15 AM
Oh, never mind, I checked your Italian site and realized your waiting list is closed. Instead, I'll find out whether ABTM is more or less expensive in NYC than a pair of Prada sandals ;)
1:15 AM
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